What is AMU?
Our Mission
"Alberto Mottesi University's mission is to develop leaders who become instruments of transformation for individuals and communities, and who, with a biblical worldview, provoke justice and human development in their nations ."
It's purpose is to mentally, morally and spiritually, train professionals, business individuals, workers and all those guided by God, to dedicate their time, talent and effort, to the ministry of evangelizing the different sectors of society.
It provides a theoretical, practical and inspiring education. To do this, it uses proven and established academic individuals, and draws from the many years of field experience of the Alberto Mottesi Evangelistic Association. It challenges its students toward an open mindset to embark on, not only traditional academics, but also, the innovative aspects of the programs.
It aims to cultivate the calling of each student and their commitment to pay the necessary price to develop the character, integrity, holiness, and love of justice that God requires of today's evangelist and minister.
It incorporates training modalities of its own for the 21st century.

The Certificate in Socio-Theological Studies and the Associate in Ministerial Arts are recognized by the Association of Seminaries and Theological Institutions (ASIT) of Latin America.
In addition, we have inter-institutional cooperation agreements with the University Corporation for Theological Studies and Educational Sciences, Cartagena, Colombia.


Dr. Alberto Mottesi is one of the most well-known and respected lecturers in the Spanish-American world. His radio and television programs are broadcast daily by more than 10,000 mass media. The largest convention of communicators in the world, NRB, in Washington, DC, awarded him the "Golden Microphone" for excellence in communications.
He has received doctoral degrees from four universities in the United States, Colombia, and Mexico. The press has called him "Pastor of Presidents" for his continuous ministry to leaders of different levels in the nations of Latin America. His leadership seminars annually attract thousands of leaders from all contexts, and his mass meetings are among a few. of the largest mass movements in the history of the Hispanic people. In the last 40 years he has preached, in person, to more than 30 million human beings. He has published 17 books. His work America 500 Years Later has been adopted as a book of text in the educational system of various countries He is continually invited to speak at national and international conferences.

Educator and pastor. Graduated from International Baptist Theological Seminary (Bs.As.), Bachelor of Theology from California Baptist University, B.A.; from University of California of Riverside, M.A .; and from the University of California of Los Angeles, Ph. D. He has taught at the University of Southern California, at the American Baptist Seminary of the West, at Fuller Theological Seminary, and at other institutions. He was the founding Director of the Southwest Extension of the American Baptist Seminary of the West; Founding Director of the American Baptist Theological Center; and the founding President of the Alberto Mottesi School of Evangelists. He was also Director of the Latino Department of Fuller Seminary.
He has been a pastor and founder of churches and Executive Vice Minister of the American Baptist Churches of Los Angeles. He has published articles and books in the field of literature and practical theology. His publications include, Realidad y fantasía en la narrativa, by Manuel Mujica Láinez (Ediciones Porrúa, 1976); Evangelización: aquí y ahora (1998), editor; y Pasando la antorcha (Editorial Kerygma, 2006), editor.

Professor of Humanities and Ministry

Adjunct Professor of Neuroscience and Ministry

Adjunct Professor of Ecclesiastical History

Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry

Adjunct Bible Professor

Adjunct Associate Professor of Communications

Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry

Adjunct Professor of Music and Art

Adjunct Bible Professor

Professor of Theology

Associate Professor of Spiritual Life

Adjunct Professor of Urban and Cultural Studies

Professor of Biblical Studies

Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Studies

Adjunct Associate Professor of Evangelization

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Spiritual Life

Professor of Evangelization

Professor of Family Health

Professor of Missiology and Preaching

Adjunct Professor of Psychology

Adjunct Professor of Missiology

Adjunct Bible Professor

Professor of Ministry

Adjunct Professor of Youth Ministries

Professor of Humanities