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Associate in Ministerial Arts




This is an introductory program to biblical-theological studies, recommended for those who wish to continue their professional training later. It is also very useful for those who seek to be more qualified to teach classes in their local congregations, and for those who wish to correctly interpret the Bible in the secular sphere in general, family, among acquaintances, among co-workers, etc. 

Curricular Program

It consists of 92 units distributed as follows:

General Education (24 units)


(CS220) Introduction to Sociology (5)

(A110) Mass media (5)

(CS430) Introduction to Family Systems (5)

(H140) Introduction to philosophy (5)

(M210) Biblical hermeneutics (4)





This is an introductory program to biblical-theological studies, recommended for those who wish to continue their professional training later. It is also very useful for those who seek to be more qualified to teach classes in their local congregations, and for those who wish to correctly interpret the Bible in the secular sphere in general, family, among acquaintances, among co-workers, etc. 

Curricular Program

It consists of 92 units distributed as follows:

General Education (24 units)


(CS220) Introduction to Sociology (5)

(A110) Mass media (5)

(CS430) Introduction to Family Systems (5)

(H140) Introduction to philosophy (5)

(M210) Biblical hermeneutics (4)

Specialties (56 units)


(B221) Romans (4)

(CS210) Family Health (4)

(B127) Acts of the Apostles (4)

(M130) Spirit Formation (4)

(B101) Introduction to the Old Testament I (4)

(B103) Introduction to the Old Testament II (4)

(T131) Theology of Evangelization (4)

(M370) Christian Discipleship (4)

(B321) Hebrews (4)

(T420) The Church: Its Nature and Mission (4)

(M220) Preaching (4)

(M101) The person whom God uses (4)

(B102) The Pentateuch (4)

(M120) Evangelization strategies (4)

Electives (12 units of the following)


(M170) The transforming prayer (4)

(M172) Evangelization and discipleship of childhood (4)

(CS212) Inner Health (4)

(M331) Transformative Leadership (4)

(T260) Theology of Worship (4)

(H340) Christian Education (4)

(H431) Life Project (5)

Associate in Ministerial Arts
Bachelor of Ministerial Arts




The Bachelor of Ministerial Arts is a program designed to train the people of God in the scriptural handling of their faith, in the placement of the gospel in a multicultural society and in the fulfillment of being light and salt of the earth, and spiritual and moral leaven. Although it appeals to intellectual and academic reflection, it is mainly aimed at offering a systematization of practical disciplines that, both professional and non-professional, allow them to efficiently develop a relevant ministry. 

Curricular Program

It consists of 184 units distributed as follows:

General Education (60 units)


(A110) Mass media (5)

(CS201) Introduction to Psychology (5)

(CS220) Introduction to Sociology (5)

(CN310) Introduction to Natural Sciences (5)

(CS270) Hispanic History and Culture (5) or CS375

(H140) Introduction to philosophy (5)

(A310) Music and art in evangelization (5)

(CS375) United States History (5) or CS270

(CN301) Biblical geography (5)

(CS350) Applied Counseling (5)

(E241) Ethics (5) *

(H431) Life Project (5)

(CS430) Introduction to Family Systems (5)

Primary Specialty: Evangelization (56 units)


(B101) Introduction to the Old Testament I (4) *

(B103) Introduction to the Old Testament II (4) *

(B102) The Pentateuch (4)

(B127) Acts of the Apostles (4)

(B221) Romans (4) *

(B321) Hebrews (4)

(T131) Theology of Evangelization (4)

(M101) The person whom God uses (4) *

(M120) Evangelization strategies (4)

(CS210) Family Health (4)

(T231) Systematic Theology I (4) *

(T232) Systematic Theology II (4) *

(M210) Biblical hermeneutics (4) *

(M220) Preaching (4) *

Secondary Specialty : Pastoral Studies (56 units)


(CS480) History of Christianity I (4) *

(CS481) History of Christianity II (4) *

(M320) Culture and evangelization (4)

(T420) The church: its nature and mission (4) *

(M350) Pastoral Ministry (4)

(M130) Spirit Formation (4)

(B310) The Major Prophets I (4)

(H470) Considering Controversial Topics (4)

(M332) Contemporary sociological movements (4)

(M450) Emerging Evangelists (4)

(M172) Evangelization and discipleship of children (4)

(M360) Women and the Ministry (4)

(M370) Christian Discipleship (4)

(M460) The Ministry of Transformation (4)

Electives (12 units)


(M331) Transformative Leadership (4)

(M170) The transforming prayer (4)

(T260) Theology of Worship (3)

(H301) Greek (4)

(S320) The Ministry of Chaplaincy (4)

(CS212) Inner Health (4)

(T203) Person and work of the Holy Spirit (4)

(H340) Christian Education (4)

(B412) The canon and biblical manuscripts (4)

(CS140) Introduction to Missiology (4)

(CS482) The Reformation (4)

(M372) Today's childhood: tomorrow's church (4)

(B312) The Major Prophets II (4)



Estudios Graduados

El Departamento de Estudios Graduados, en afinidad al origen y valores de la Universidad, ofrece cuatro maestrías. Sus cursos exploran la fe cristiana y sus valores desde un contexto y perspectiva evangélicos a fin de capacitar e inspirar a los estudiantes para ejercer “profesionalmente” el ministerio cristiano. 

La Maestría en estos momentos ofrece cuatro especialidades: Artes Ministeriales, Gobierno y Servicio Público, Profesiones Seculares, y Asesoría Emocional Corporativa. 

Master of Ministerial Arts




The specialty of this program is in biblical-theological studies oriented to the exercise of ecclesial, missionary, educational, and pastoral ministry. It consists of 48 units graduated in virtual mode. A prior bachelor's degree in ministry or its equivalent is required for admission. From a bachelor's degree with a single major in secular studies, the program calls for an additional 48 units in ministry. Subjects accepted for this academic compensation are marked with an asterisk (*) in the Bachelor of Ministerial Arts section.

Curricular Program

The 48 graduated units are distributed as follows:

( B521) The Gospels: Context and Message (4)

(B522) Apostolic Letters (4)

(B528) Apocalypse (4)

(T530) Contemporary Christian Thought (4)

(T545) Theology and Anthropology (4)

(S550) Biblical Paradigms of Mission (4)

(M510) The church with cellular vision (4)

(CS560) World Missions (4)

(CS510) Pastoral Counseling (4)

(M565) Neuroscience, Theology and Faith (4)

(M574) Administrative strategies (4)


Electives (4 units)


(H529) Eastern religions (4)

(CS520) Conflict Resolution (4)


Las 12 materias siguientes son requeridas de quienes cuentan con solo una licenciatura en estudios seculares.

(E241)     Ética (4) 

(B101)     Introducción al Antiguo Testamento I (4)

(B103)     Introducción al Antiguo Testamento II (4)

(B221)     Romanos (4)

(M101)    La persona a quien Dios utiliza (4)

(T231)     Teología sistemática I (4)

(T232)     Teología sistemática II (4)

(M210)    Hermenéutica bíblica (4)

(M220)    Predicación (4)

(CS480)   Historia del cristianismo I (4)

(CS480)   Historia del cristianismo II (4)

(T420)     La iglesia: su naturaleza y misión (4)

Maestria-Servicio Publico




The program consists of 48 units. It requires a bachelor's degree or its equivalent and is designed primarily for those who hold or aspire to a position in government, public service, or politics. The curriculum consists of subjects structured around face-to-face workshops or equivalent and online academic assignments. It aims for graduates to become "salt", "light" and "leaven", politicians and evangelist and missionary rulers.

Curricular Program

The 48 graduated units are distributed as follows:

(T600) Introduction to Government Studies (4)

(B610) Old Testament Overview (4)

(B615) New Testament Overview (4)

(T620) Theological principles of the Christian faith (4)

(T625) Bible, Theology and Ethics (4)

(H630) Historical overview of church and state (4)

(T635) The transformation of peoples (4)

(T640) Personality of a political leader (4)

(M645) The Gospel and Party Ideologies (4)

(H655) Neuropolitics (4)

(H660) Christian worldview and evangelization (4)

(H670) Social political life project (4)



Ministerial Master's Degree in Government and Public Service
Ministerial Master's Degree in Government and Public Service



Este es un programa diseñado para capacitar a quienes sientan un llamado especial a ser apoyo, asesor, consultor y recurso profesional para quienes probablemente se encuentren ante retos de la vida. Ofrece un currículo integrador de disciplinas bíblico-teológicas, consejería, técnicas y aspectos legales que ayudarán a los graduados a desarrollarse profesionalmente para ser recurso emocional y espiritual relevante. 

El programa requiere como estudios previos una Licenciatura en Artes Ministeriales o su equivalente. De ser

una licenciatura con especialidades en estudios seculares, cursar, simultáneamente con las materias propias

de esta Maestría, las doce materias mencionadas


Programa Curricular

10 materias/ 40 unidades

(CS605)    Capellanía: definición y funciones (4) 

(CS615)   Coaching: ayuda efectiva de cambio (4) 

(CN646)  Asesoría aplicada  (4) 

(CS626)   Herramientas psicológicas de apoyo (4)

(CS610)   Sistemas, teorías y técnicas de consejería (4) 

(CS620)   Leyes y reglamentaciones relacionadas a la consejería (4)

(CN625)  Neuro consejería médico-espiritual (4)

(CN630)  Problemáticas neuro adictivas del Siglo XXI (4)     

(CS645)   Realidades institucionales y el coaching y la capellanía (4)

(CN640)   Nuevos desafíos en el neuro liderazgo  (4)



2 materias/ 8 unidades

(E636)      Pensamiento crítico y valores (4) 

(CN635)  Estudio y análisis temperamental (4) 

(CS670)   Renovación del ser interior   (4) 

(H650)     Administración en consejería (4)

(CS510)   Consejería Pastoral (4)

(CS520)   Resolución de conflictos (4)

(T545)     Teología y antropología (4)     

Materias adicionales requeridas de quienes carecen de una Licenciatura en Artes Ministeriales o su equivalente:

(CS201)   Introducción a la psicología (4)

(T241)      Ética (4) 

(CS220)   Introducción a la sociología (4)

(CS430)   Introducción a sistemas familiares (4)

(CS210)   Salud Familiar (4)

(B102)     El Pentateuco (4)

(B221)     Romanos (4)

(M101)    La persona a quien Dios utiliza (4)

(CS270)   Historia y cultura hispanas (4)

(T231)     Teología sistemática I (4)

(T232)     Teología sistemática II (4)

(M460)    El ministerio de transformación (4)

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