in Transformational Evangelism
Alberto Mottesi University asume el llamado para capacitar “10 millones de evangelistas reformadores, que levanten la cosecha más grande de la historia y sean capaces de enfrentar los desafíos del siglo 21”
Why is it called a transformer?

Because the end of the preaching of the gospel is the radical transformation of people who surrender their lives to Jesus Christ. We evangelize to bring people to Jesus, but we also evangelize to see people, families, communities, nations, etc. in newness of life, transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Also, look for the well-being of the city where I have deported you, and ask the Lord for it, because your well-being depends on the well-being of the city.
(Jeremiah 29:7) NIV
What is the Diploma
in transformative evangelism?
It is a 4-month training with the best evangelism practices to win our cities for Jesus.
It is a training focused on certifying multitudes of men and women who wish to receive the evangelization torch from Dr. Alberto Mottesi.
It is a training that joins the move of God to see the greatest evangelistic harvest in history accomplished.
This program requires taking 3 classes (12 units), transferable to the Certificate, Associate or Bachelor's Degree.
(M110) Evangelismo urbano transformador (4)
(M101) La persona a quien Dios utiliza (4)
(M460) Ministerio de Transformación (4)
How is the training carried out?

Face-to-face training, where students can meet in church halls to study, guided by a facilitator appointed by the pastor.
Next step
Tuition and Fees
Program costs in the United States
$30.00 (USD) per class in the USA (United States)
$10.00 (USD) per class for most countries in Latin America
The student must pay the total amount per class at the beginning of the term
Full Program Cost
$90.00 (USD) in USA
$30.00 (USD) Latin America
3 classes per student
Additional costs
(National and international)
The student must acquire a textbook every 5 weeks, according to the class. The cost will range from $2.00 to $5.00 per book.
Graduation Fee
$5.00 USD per student.