Co-Founders of the University
We need women and men to help us establish this new educational institution.
The process until reaching all the requirements to be a high-level University,
it may take us several years. Be part of the Project that will make possible change in the Nations!
Choose a level of contribution and become a Co-founder of AMU!
The names of the Co-Founders will be written on plaques that will be placed on a mural in the AMU building, and Alberto and the staff will intercede for them daily. It will be like a modern Wall of Intercession, where miracles will occur daily.

Upon completion of the first year of financial support, your name will be included on the Mural.
Upon completion of the second year the Co-Founder will receive a special plaque.
The third year you will be given "The Torch of the Achiever."
The Co-Founders can use their credit card to make their contributions, and will receive a monthly report from Alberto Mottesi's desk about the progress of the University.